Greenlight Personal Training

Breaking Barriers: Your Pathway to Fitness Studio Ownership

Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Success as a Boutique Studio Owner with Greenlight

Are you an aspiring boutique studio owner looking to overcome the common obstacles that often hinder getting started? Look no further than Greenlight, the ultimate partner for removing the barriers that stand in your way of opening a successful studio. We understand the crucial elements necessary for thriving in the fitness business, and our expertise has been honed through years of experience working with hundreds of boutique gyms. From finding the perfect location to securing financing and providing a comprehensive technology stack, we are committed to guiding you every step of the way. Our proven strategies, prebuilt systems, and personalized coaching ensure that your fitness studio not only starts strong but also achieves long-term growth. Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey towards realizing your fitness entrepreneurship dreams with Greenlight.

Find the Perfect Location

A great location can make or break a fitness business. It’s like finding the perfect-sized dumbbell for your workout – just right! At Greenlight, we’ve seen three major mistakes that gym owners often make when it comes to choosing a location:

  • Too big of a space: It’s tempting to think that doubling the space means doubling the money, but oftentimes, the extra square footage goes unused and becomes an unnecessary expense.
  • Poor location: Just like doing squats with improper form, choosing a location in an industrial area or far away from your target clientele can hinder your growth. Clients prefer convenience, and if they have to travel too far, they may choose a closer gym instead.
  • Too much rent: Here’s a rule of thumb for you: your initial revenue target should be around 5 times your monthly rent, with real profitability found at around 6-7 times the rent. Crunch the numbers based on your Average Client Value per month (ACV/Month) to understand what it takes to be moderately profitable.

That’s why we’ve combined our experience to make finding and signing a lease for the perfect location stress-free and fun!

Get Your First 25 Clients

Competition in the fitness world is as fierce as a heavyweight boxing match. You have to fight to get your message and brand seen amidst all the conflicting information out there. That’s where our Drive To 25 Program comes in.

We attack this challenge from all angles because a strong marketing program requires leads flowing in from various sources. Here’s how we do it:

  • Road to 100: We give you the framework to start conversations and leverage your own connections and networks to find your first clients.
  • Social Media and Search Assets: We create professional-looking social media profiles and search assets to attract prospective clients.
  • Location-Specific Website: You’ll have your own studio website with a real URL, like, not just a generic page buried within our website.
  • Digital Advertising: We use our experience of spending almost $100,000 on advertising for Greenlight studios to run effective digital ads on your behalf.
  • Local Area Marketing: We continue doing outreach to local businesses and foster mutually beneficial partnerships to boost your grand opening.

All these efforts generate a steady flow of leads into your system, potentially allowing you to open your doors with 25 clients already signed up and paid for. We focus on achieving this milestone because we know it creates the momentum necessary for rapid growth.

##H2: Secure Financing Without Using Your Own Money

Securing financing is often one of the most difficult barriers for aspiring studio owners to overcome. But fear not, we’ve got you covered. At Greenlight, we’ve built an affordable option for trainers and coaches, and we can show you exactly how to position yourself for success.

First and foremost, you’ll need a strong business plan to present to banks or investors. Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through every aspect of the business, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of operating a Greenlight studio.

Next, we’ll help you create detailed financial projections for your individual business, including a three-year outlook, monthly revenue, and yearly profitability. We’ll walk you through each step, explaining everything in detail so you can confidently present your numbers. This document will showcase the undeniable potential of partnering with you.

Lastly, we’ll assist you in creating a list of prospective investors, connect you with local financing options if applicable, and provide you with an exact script to use when making your approach. By shifting your mindset from “asking for money” to “presenting a great partnership opportunity,” you’ll open doors (and bank accounts) you never thought possible.

The Greenlight Technology Stack

Ever been to a high-end restaurant and marveled at the seamless experience? Behind the scenes, there’s a well-coordinated effort to make everything run smoothly. The same applies to Greenlight.

We provide our clients with the Greenlight Technology Stack, consisting of three major software platforms that contribute to a seamless and professional experience:

  • Lead Management System: This is where we track the progress of leads, ensuring they flow smoothly through our sales process and allowing us to assess the effectiveness of our strategies.
  • Member Management System: We provide a prebuilt system to track client payments, renewals, and appointments. It’s tailored to fit all of Greenlight’s offerings, ready for you to use.
  • Program Fulfillment System: Our Greenlight App acts as a hub for delivering workouts, habit tracking, and accountability. It allows for personalized communication with clients during their programs and can be customized to meet the specific needs of your clientele.

We continuously maintain and develop these systems to ensure you can focus on helping your clients, rather than dealing with technical issues.

The Greenlight Playbook: 60+ Years of Studio Owning Experience

Picture a well-rehearsed play unfolding on stage, captivating the audience. Behind the scenes, there’s a playbook guiding the actors to deliver exceptional performances. At Greenlight, we provide you with the complete Greenlight Playbook, built on over 60 years of studio owning experience.

You’ll gain access to scripts for every appointment type, ensuring you can deliver an experience that exceeds your clients’ expectations. We’ll train you on operating the business, handling accounting, and provide a step-by-step guide on hiring the perfect team members. We’ll even help you design a professional and functional studio by assisting with floor plans, working with contractors and designers, and providing guidance on creating an inviting atmosphere.

Additionally, you’ll have access to hours of video training from our co-founders, covering everything from sales conversations to monthly reporting.

##H2: Coaching Every Step of the Way

When it comes to the level of involvement provided by fitness franchises, we were appalled by the lack of support offered. We believe that success requires a more hands-on approach. That’s why every co-founder of Greenlight is not only a successful gym owner but also a mentor to other fitness business owners.

During the Studio Launch Phase, you’ll have 24/7 access to your Onboarding Representative and weekly meetings with your Launch team. These meetings follow our 127-step Launch Checklist, ensuring we stay on schedule and create a highly successful launch for your studio.

As you move into the Growth phase, you’ll continue to meet weekly with a Greenlight Representative, focusing on accelerating your studio’s growth towards its capacity of 50 clients.

The third phase is Scaling. Once your studio reaches or nears capacity, we’ll implement our Waitlist protocol and assist you in hiring support staff. We’ll also help you develop a plan for continued expansion.

In conclusion, Greenlight is the ultimate partner for aspiring boutique studio owners. We provide direct assistance in overcoming common obstacles, enabling you to achieve success quickly. With our expertise and years of experience working with hundreds of boutique gyms, we understand the crucial elements necessary for thriving in the fitness business.

Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey towards realizing your fitness entrepreneurship dreams with Greenlight. Together, we can turn your vision into a reality and build a thriving training studio that stands out in the industry. Join us today, and let’s make your dreams come true!

Book a call with us today!